Industry Bodies - Arc Energy Resources

Industry Bodies

Arc Energy Resources work closely with an array of different trade associations.

The Welding Institute – Arc Energy Resources is an Industrial Member of The Welding Institute (TWI), whilst Alan Robinson (Director) is a senior member and John Haines (Senior Welding Engineer) is a member. TWI is a global leader in technology engineering providing research and consultancy to its members.

BVAA – The British Valve and Actuator Association (BVAA) represents the interests of over 100 British companies within the valve and actuator industry.

EIC – The EIC is an association for UK companies supplying goods and services to the energy industries worldwide.

NOF Energy – A UK business development organisation working on behalf of companies in the oil, gas, nuclear and offshore renewable industries.

FPAL – FPAL works to identify, qualify, evaluate and monitor suppliers on behalf of its purchasing members in the oil & gas industry, creating an effective Supply Chain network.

NSANThe National Skills Academy for Nuclear (NSAN) was established by nuclear employers and Government to address the key skills challenges facing the nuclear programme. NSAN’s Mission is “To improve the performance of companies in the nuclear industry through collaboration and action on skills”. Andrew Robinson is on the NSAN Advisory Board.

SWMAS – The South West Manufacturing Advice Service provides impartial advice and practical support through a range of tailored, responsive services and programmes delivered by manufacturers for manufacturers.

Please click here to see how SWMAS have aided Arc Energy’s continuous development.